Sunday, August 17, 2014

New paintings!

So I didn't exactly do a few paintings a week like I said I would, but the last few days, I've been painting a bit more. These are all done in gouache, in fairly small sizes.

08-14-14: deer from photo

08-15-14: flower from life

08-15-14: Erik Tiemens mastercopy

08-16-14: Edward Seago mastercopy

08-16-14: Imaginary landscape with Edward Seago palette

08-17-14: Imaginary sunset

Sunday, July 27, 2014

001 - Tree

I haven't done any personal paintings over summer, so now for the rest of the break, I want to do 3-4 paintings a week.

Edit: 07-28-2014

I made some small changes.